Flexamat Installed on Cratsley Hill Road, Jersey Hill Road & Canadice Hill Road
The Ontario County Soil & Water Conservation District partnered with the Town of Canadice Highway Department to stabilize several ditches experiencing severe erosion along Cratsley Hill Road, Jersey Hill Road and Canandice Hill Road. Erosion from steep roadside ditches, such as these, has a direct effect on the water quality in downslope Honeoye Lake. Nutrients are bound to sediments and when erosion occurs and washes these sediments downslope they accumulate in our waterbodies and can help fuel the occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). These particular sites were stabilized using a material called Flexamat. Flexamat is a permeable mat made of woven material overlaid with concrete blocks in a grid pattern. This provides the stabilization needed to withstand flows from stormwater during major rain events while also leaving space between the blocks for vegetation to establish. This vegetation helps to further stabilize the road ditch while also filtering and slowing water. Funding for this project was made possible through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Improvement Project with match funding coming from the Town of Canadice in the form of labor and equipment. This project is part of a larger, ongoing effort in the Honeoye Lake Watershed to reduce sediment and nutrient loss from roadside ditches. The District would like to thank the Town of Canadice Highway Department for their expertise in installing this project!