Canandaigua Lake Watershed Inspection Program
Contact Info:
Contact: Tyler Ohle
Title: Canandaigua Lake Watershed Inspector
Phone: (585) 396-9716
Fax: (585) 396-1305
Canandaigua Lake is a drinking water source for more than 70,000 people. New York State Public Health Law charges and empowers the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Commission to enforce the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Rules and Regulations. The Commission’s Watershed Inspection Program works to ensure that water quality of the lake is maintained at a high standard.
The Watershed Commission is comprised of the five municipal water purveyors that withdraw and sell water from Canandaigua Lake to their residents and to other municipalities: City of Canandaigua; Town of Gorham; Village of Newark; Village of Palmyra; and Village of Rushville.
The Ontario County SWCD administers the Watershed Inspection Program on behalf of the Watershed Commission. The Program is consistent with policies, laws, and so forth and carried out in cooperation with the New York State Department of Health, municipalities within our watershed, the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council, and additional stakeholders.
Inspect septic and alternative systems at the time of property deed transfer, periodically for certain shoreline properties, etc. Use link below for the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Commission Onsite Wastewater System Inspection Request Form.
Coordinate various provisions of the Model Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Law, effective January 1, 2018. This law is being enacted by individual municipalities with shoreline properties serviced by onsite wastewater treatment systems. Actual provisions of the Law may vary from one municipality to the next. For more information, please refer to the Watershed Council website.
Consult for new construction and repairs of systems.
Review building plans for suitability of wastewater treatment.
Conduct deep hole and percolation tests for onsite system placement.
Create and maintain electronic and hard copy records of individual onsite wastewater treatment systems throughout the entire watershed.
Track maintenance records of assorted alternative wastewater treatment systems, such as aerobic treatment units.
Investigate violations.
Prevent sediment from entering the lake.
Respond to spills and work toward containment.